Is Saving £200 a Month Good in the UK? (2024)

Saving money is an essential part of financial planning. However, it’s challenging to determine how much to save each month. Therefore, a common question is arise is saving £200 a month good in the UK.

Saving £200 a month may seem like a modest amount, but it can still affect your financial well-being over time. The growth rate of savings depends on the interest rate, investment choices, and the duration of savings.

The median monthly savings for a UK household is around £180 and the average is £450, according to Nimble Fins. That means saving £200 a month is a good amount compared to the median monthly savings of a UK household.

However, it is crucial to understand that everyone’s financial situation is unique, and what works for others may not work for you.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss “Is saving £200 a month good in the UK” and does it suit for your financial situation.

Is Saving £200 a Month Good UK

Is Saving £200 a Month Good in the UK?

The short answer is yes. Saving £200 a month in the UK is a solid step towards building financial security. You can steadily make progress towards your financial goals by saving £200 each month. Setting aside £200 each month can result in an annual total of £2,400, which can be allocated towards an emergency fund, debt clearance, or a down payment.

However, you should determine your actual savings amount based on your income, expenses, and financial goals. Because these things are different for every person. For example, I save money to buy a house where you save money for debt payment.

How Much Should I Save Each Month?

Saving money is an important aspect of personal finance, but how much should you save each month? The answer varies depending on income and financial goals. Here are some guidelines for different income levels.

High-Income Earners

For high-income earners, saving £200 a month may not be enough. Financial experts recommend saving at least 20% of gross income each month. This means if you earn £10,000 a month, then you should aim to save £2,000 a month. However, this amount can be different, depending on your financial situation.

Middle-Income Earners

Middle-income earners can save £200 a month, but they may need to adjust their spending habits to make it work. Experts recommend saving at least 10% to 15% of gross income each month. This means if you earn £4,500 per month, then you should aim to save between £450 and £675 per month.

Low-Income Earners

Low-income earners can save £200 a month, but they may need to adjust their spending habits to make it work. Experts recommend saving at least 10% of gross income each month. This means if you earn £2,000 a month, then you should aim to save £200 a month.

Young People

Young people may not have a lot of income, but it’s still important to start saving early. Experts recommend saving at least 10% of gross income each month. This means if you earn £500 a month, then you should aim to save £50 per month.

Strategies to Maximise Your Savings

Saving £200 a month can be challenging for many individuals in the UK. However, there are several ways to maximise your savings and achieve your financial goals.

  1. Create a Budget

Creating a budget is an essential step towards maximising savings. By keeping track of income and expenses, you can identify unnecessary expenses. For creating a budget, you can use google spreadsheets or budgeting apps.

  1. Take Advantage of Savings Accounts

Taking advantage of savings accounts with competitive interest rates is another way to maximise savings. You can open special regular savings accounts that offer up to 8% interest in savings.

  1. Reduce Monthly Bills

Reducing monthly bills can free up more money that can be allocated towards savings. For instance, you can reduce your energy bills by switching to energy-efficient appliances or reducing water bills by taking shorter showers.

  1. Cut Back on Non-Essential Expenses

Cutting back on non-essential expenses is another way to maximise savings. For instance, you can reduce spending on entertainment, eating out, or buying expensive clothes.

Why should I save £200 a month?

Saving £200 a month in the UK is a good amount for many reasons. Here are some benefits:

1. Compound Interest Benefits

Saving £200 a month can lead to significant compound interest benefits over time. With an interest rate of 5%, for example, £200 saved each month can grow to over £13,500 in just five years. This can be a great way to build wealth and achieve long-term financial goals.

Is Saving £200 a Month Good

2. Financial Security

Saving £200 a month can also help provide financial security. Having a savings buffer can help you cover unexpected expenses, like car repairs or medical bills, without relying on credit cards or loans. This can help prevent debt and improve overall financial health.

3. Buying a Property

Saving £200 a month can also help you to buy property. With rising house prices, it’s difficult to save up for a deposit. However, saving £200 a month can add up quickly and help you reach your goal of owning a home.

4. Financial Independence

Saving £200 a month can also help you achieve financial independence. By building up a savings cushion, you can have more control over your financial future. This can include starting a business, travelling, or retiring early.

Investment Options for £200 Savings

When it comes to investing £200 per month in the UK, there are various options available. Below are some of the most common investment options:

Traditional Savings Accounts

One of the most popular options for investing £200 per month is a traditional savings account. These accounts offer low-risk investments with a guaranteed return on investment. However, the interest rates for savings accounts are generally low, which means the return may not be substantial.

Stocks Investments

Investing in stocks can be a good option for those looking for higher returns on investment. However, it is important to note that stocks can be volatile, and there is a risk of losing money. I recommend you to seek professional advice before investing in stocks.


Gilts are bonds issued by the UK government. They are considered a low-risk investment option and offer a fixed rate of return. However, the return on investment may not be as high as other investment options.

Pensions and Retirement Funds

Investing in pensions and retirement funds can be a good option for those looking to save for retirement. These funds offer tax benefits and the return can be substantial over the long term. However, it is important to note that there are restrictions on when and how the funds can be accessed.

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

ISAs are tax-efficient investment accounts. It allows individuals to save up to a certain amount each year. There are several types of ISAs available, including cash ISAs and stocks and shares ISAs. These accounts offer tax benefits, and the return on investment can be substantial over the long term.

Help to Save

Help to Save is a government-backed savings scheme. It is designed to help low-income earners save money. The scheme offers a 50% bonus of savings up to £50 per month, for up to four years. This scheme is a good option for those looking to save money over the long term. However, it is important to note that there are some restrictions on how can you use it.


Saving £200 a month in the UK is a good amount for building financial security and achieving financial goals. This modest amount can significantly affect your financial health, both short-term and long-term.

By saving £200 a month, you could set aside £2,400 annually. By creating a budget plan and sticking to it, you can make this amount feasible and sustainable.

You can use this money for emergencies, retirement, or buying a house. Plus, it’s useful for short-term goals like vacations or fixing things around the house.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for general guidance only. You should always seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.